All-On-4 Dental Implants Specialist

Tice Valley Dental

Sean A. Karimian, D.D.S.

General & Cosmetic Dentist & Dental Implant Specialist located in Walnut Creek, CA

All-on-4® is a specialized procedure for a full-arch prosthesis in just one day of surgery. As a dental implant specialist, Sean Karimian, DDS can help you regain your confidence and get the smile of your dreams with All-on-4 dental implants. Dr. Karimian and the caring team at Tice Valley Dental in Walnut Creek, California, offer flexible scheduling for All-on-4 consultations. Book your appointment by calling the office, or by using the online booking feature.

All-On-4 Dental Implants Q & A

What are All-on-4 dental implants?

The All-on-4 dental implant system is similar to getting traditional implants. With single implants though, you get just one implant at a time. Not only does this take an extensive amount of time and multiple visits if you need several teeth, but it can also take a toll on your wallet.

All-on-4 is an ideal solution for patients who need a full arch replacement. The treatment involves placing just four implants in your jaw and permanently bonding a full arch bridge. If needed, you can have both your upper and bottom arch replaced with the All-on-4 method. The entire process involves a single surgery and is more cost-effective than getting multiple implants.

How do I prepare for All-on-4 dental implant surgery?

The modern technology of the All-on-4 dental surgery procedure allows you to get your full arch of teeth, without needing grafts or lengthy recovery periods. Aside from taking the afternoon off work and scheduling a ride home, you don’t generally need to do anything special to prepare for your procedure.

During your consultation, talk with Dr. Karimian about all medications and dietary supplements you take. Certain medications — even over-the-counter drugs — could make you bleed more, and Dr. Karimian may suggest skipping them before surgery.

What happens during the All-on-4 procedure?

Before your surgery, Dr. Karimian goes over all of your sedation options. Not only does he thoroughly numb your gums before getting started, he also offers sedation treatments, including nitrous oxide or IV sedation, to help you relax or fall asleep.

The first step involves preparing your gums and extracting any of your natural teeth. After taking impressions of both arches, Dr. Karimian places four titanium implant screws into your jawbone. These act as anchors or artificial “roots” for your new set of teeth. Dr. Karimian inserts two straight anterior implants and two tilted implants.

The rear two of the implants are slightly tilted at about a 45° angle. This angle is a trademark of the All-on-4 treatment that allows for Dr. Karimian to utilize existing bone and avoid bone grafting, which helps you heal more quickly. The final step involves bonding the row, or bridge of prosthetic teeth to the implants. You leave the office with your beautiful new smile.

Call or book your All-on-4 consultation online with Tice Valley Dental to find out if you’re a good candidate.